Monday, December 13, 2010

living it up in Chicago!

Well I am not really living it up in Chicago, but I am here for work.  I am currently watching the chicago news from my hotel room.  The big story of the night... specialty license plates getting tickets wrongfully.  Illinois has something like 60 specialty plates. 

I am here for holiday showcase and I have a feeling it will be a good show.  Hoping for lots of leads and prospects for meetings in spokane!  I also ran into some industry friends from Rhode Island.  They keep me up to date on the area.  They also reminded me not to jump on the patriots band wagon. .  I assured them, Justin is the patriots fan, not me. 

I am staying at the Hyatt Regency Chicago.  It is a great hotel, but makes me reminisce about my Hyatt days.  Along those lines.  I think the Hyatt should send it's manager's here when they reach 5 years with the company.  I think they could use it as an incentive, along with a training.  This is an amazing hotel, but I think it could generate some ideas for managers in their current positions.  That is my 2 cents for the Hyatt.  :)  Still love the Hyatt, but also love my job.  One thing I realize is that I definitely travel more now that I don't work in a hotel... not sure how that works out, but it does.

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