Monday, December 15, 2008

Weekly update (or 2 weeks)

Caden is learning manners. Justin is teaching him to say please, thank you and bless you. He gets please and thank you a little bit confused, but he is learning that if he says please, which sounds like peas, we can't resist. We can resist if it is the 2nd cereal bar in the morning, or watching Frosty for the 4th time in the day (I know, how did he watch it 2 or 3 times).

Caden also has figured out when he sees santa to say santa and that christmas lights are pretty.

I am learning that I need to keep snacks in my car so that on our way home from daycare, I don't have an upset hungry little boy in the back.

Caden also has his own christmas countdown. We have an advent calender and in each box is a sticker. He gets to open a box each day and get his sticker. He also has a piece of green construction paper to stick his stickers on. He really likes it, and they are the island of the misfit toys stickers, along with Santa and Rudolf. Luckily one of Caden's books names the characters so I am not totally making it up.

The weather has turned cold here. We are talking Pullman finals week cold. I think it is 8 degrees or colder right now. It's too cold to snow! It snowed on Friday night and then everything froze. The roads were real slick, and I actually slid through an intersection on Saturday morning. Not my finest hour as I was pretty stressed about being T-boned. Needless to say, we finally sucked it up and bought snow tires. No bargain there. At least with Costco, I like to believe that with the 1% or 2 % rebate, that will go back to pay for some of our membership next year.

Speaking of how cold it is here, I slipped on the ice in our own driveway. I fell on all fours and have the bruises to show for it. Talk about sucking up the pride. After I caught my breath, and held back the tears of pain, I got up to make sure no one saw me! I left the garbage on the driveway (the whole reason I was moving fast was the garbage truck was 5 houses away). Justin ran out after me and finished up.

Lucky for me I bought a down jacket to keep me warm, otherwise I don't think I would leave the house. In fact, I wonder how I could work from home to avoid going out in the cold... something to think about.

We are having our Anda Family christmas this Saturday, so it should be a fun filled family day for all. My brother & sister in law are coming up from the tri-cities with their 2 great danes and staying with my parents at the townhouse. Oh yeah, my parents have 2 dogs too! Should be an exciting evening for us all.

I think that is all for the updates, Merry Christmas!


Emily said...

You keep snacks in your car for your boy...I keep snacks in my purse for me! Kinda the same thing right? lol

Kara said...

Anaya (the four year old) gets paranoid if we don't bring snacks in the car for any length ride. She's gotten to the point where she puts her own snack in her backpack for the ride home from daycare. We live two blocks from the daycare. It's amusing and sad in it's own little way.