Sunday, September 30, 2007

A quick look into eating with Caden

Well, I hope that this is exciting for everyone.... I think I figured out how to upload a video on here. It's not too exciting since this was a test, but if it works, I will try to do more. I know that it's exiciting to be able to see Caden in Action.

He has been very active lately. He really likes to feed himself, or at least help you feed him. He grabs on to the spoon a lot. He also has 2 teeth now. A new trick that he learned in the last few days is he can pull himself up using me as the anchor. He can get himself to standing. He is definitely a climber. Nothing is safe now. If he keeps at this rate, he may skip crawling and go from army crawl to walking. We will see what happens.

Well, I hope the video entertains you. It's mostly me talking, but Caden makes some noise too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is so cute...and getting so big! Miss you guys!