Sunday, March 09, 2008

Tri Cities visit

Today we went to Pasco! We took a road trip to visit my brother Pete and wife Vanessa. It was so nice to see them, and they graciously accepted us, kids and all, for the afternoon. We called my sister before we left, and she is ill, so we took Charlie (her son) too! She let us use the minivan so we could all fit in style. I drove, my mom sat next to Charlie, and Justin & Caden were in the way back. It was similar to our trip last year, but instead of Charlie grunting for most of the trip, Caden hollered. He did not want to be confined in his carseat for 2 hours. (I don't know what will happen in June when we head to Seattle for the cruise!)

I don't have any pics of the visit, I forgot my camera. We did go to the park for a little visit before we hit the road again. The Richland park has some great swing sets and play equipment. Caden really had fun on the swing and the slide. He figured out he likes to go head first down the slide.

The bad part of our trip is that Justin lost his car keys. Wouldn't be so bad if we had a spare key to his car.... but we don't have one. He will be making some calls to Nissan tomorrow to get a key. Until then, he can take me to work, and luckily my mom is here, she will pick me up. Never a dull moment with the Finnegans. His keys could be anywhere! So far we have searched, but found nothing.

Off to bed now, daylight savings is messing me up.

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