Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Predictions anyone?

So it seems that my dad, Caden's Grandpa, has started the prediction game for when we will have this baby. He predicts February 1, 8 pounds 1 oz.
Anyone else have a prediction? Leave a comment and we will see who is the closest. Maybe you will get a prize - like the first phone call when the baby is born...

On a side note, if I haven't had the baby by February 7, I will be induced that day, so don't vote for February 8 as the birth day, unless you want to lose. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey!! I think you will have the little guy 1.30!!! I can't wait to hear all about it!
love ya!

Jeannette said...

I vote for Feb 3rd, right on the due date, sometime in the evening after my plane arrives would be nice. I'm guessing 8 pounds 4 ounces.

Anonymous said...

Feb 2--8lbs 5oz! Can't wait to find out :)

Anonymous said...

I predict 1/28 at 11:00 PM.
Just in time to miss out on all of MACS! - Darcy

Anonymous said...

I'll place my bet on Feb. 4th at 6:32am, 7.3 lbs. :) B

Anonymous said...

I guess February 6. Weighing 8 pounds, 8 ounces