Saturday, November 17, 2007


I have been in Milwaukee for the last few days. It's pretty chilly here, but we are mostly inside. I am staying at the Hyatt here, this property has been renovated in spots (new beds, old furniture). Anyways, I have basically been networking with Nurses for the last few days. In some ways it is like sorority rush, trying to remember who I spoke with and what I can remember about them. The good news is, they are remembering us - we are giving out starbucks coffee cards and my co-worker had some extra jars of apple butter, which turns out is very popular. Who knew?

I definitely am missing my family, but will be home tonight. I can't wait for Thanksgiving! We will have lots of family time then.

Justin is really liking his new job and he should be off for Thanksgiving which will be wonderful.

That's the update here.

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