Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New tricks for Caden

Well, it's official, nothing is safe in our house. Caden is crawling and really likes to pull himself up to standing, so that means we have baby gates up and anything that he could harm, put away and up high. He moves pretty quickly now. In fact, he was banging our dog food dishes together tonight and chipped one, so those are now going away and we will be buying some metal ones that won't be a baby hazard.

Sorry this is blurry, but he was on the move. You can see he is doing more crawling and less army crawl.

Caden and my mom found a new game to play and he really loves it. She takes her finger and swirls it in the air and buzzes like a bee and he laughs so hard. It is so funny to watch.

Can you just hear him laugh? He is pretty cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you can totally hear him laughing! so cute!