Sunday, September 21, 2008

What's new on Olympic?

Caden is all about the terrible two's. He is frustrated at us a lot, and we can't figure out what he needs. What we do know is that he doesn't like to eat anything, other than yogurt, chicken nuggets and macaroni & chesse. Oh yeah, he likes fruit and milk too. Whenever he is thirsty he says milk. Which I know we shouldn't discourage, but he likes to walk around with his milk cup. It spills and he also pours it out. So, sometimes I give him water too. Less mess. We went to the fair last week, but didn't take many pictures. We should have taken them of him looking at the animals... but didn't. We did stop at the Sheriff's booth and got Caden a sticker. They had a pretend jail, but Caden didn't like it. This is Caden eating yogurt. That's right, he really likes the blue yogurt! Our table cloths are getting colored with yogurt. Let's hope spray & wash is working it's magic. We are having a hard time with tablecloths, when Caden is mad, he pulls the tablecloth towards him and everything hits the ground. He also will not eat unless he is buckled into his booster seat. I am glad that he is concerned with safety, but it can make you crazy.

We had to take his clothes off for the yogurt adventure. So he is eating in his diaper. It's fun being 1 1/2.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My kids are older, and still walk around the house with sippy-cups of milk. Then, they forget where they left them. I finally had to institute the rule that they only get one cup issued to them for the day. If they loose it, they don't get anything else to drink until they find it. You have no idea how many cups get dropped into the couch and left to rot. It's vile. They go rotten so quickly. I also don't let them drink any milk in the car, because it goes bad so quickly, and then the car stinks.